Bhava Bare is Born

Recently, I became aware of how much clutter surrounded my life. From clothes stored in my closet that I hadn’t worn in years, to stuffing my face with food that doesn’t really nourish me, to static thoughts. How much time, money and energy have I spent lately on what does not really support me? In a world full of consumption, I wondered if this was just a substitute for something missing from my life. I am generally a very happy person but what if I strip away all the artificial filler? What if I choose quality over quantity? Is it possible to live a fuller life with less? Because of these lingering questions, I have decided to embark on a little journey of self discovery. A few of my friends and family wanted to follow along, so I began this blog. Here I will share my ideas and thoughts about this new state of mind. Perhaps it is making coffee at home instead of paying $5 a day to my local Starbucks or it could be a recipe that uses whole, nutritious ingredients that is simple to make. My hope is to uncover new ways to find beauty in simplicity. Bhava, from the Buddist word, meaning ‘to become’ or ‘a state of mind’ and Bare, as in peeling away the layers (you know, like Shrek) to reaveal more of who I am at the core. Hopefully, you too may want to incorporate a little Bhava Bare into your life. And so…it begins…

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